Cooking and longer storage made easy for you - xGenS stands for high-quality, gentle and sustainable cooking, safe storage, storage and preservation of food, especially under vacuum or air exclusion.
Be it meat, fish, fruit, vegetables or cereals - fresh, processed or prepared for dishes.
Here are the frequently asked questions about vacuum sealing by our customers
Many types of vegetables such as all types of cabbage (Brussels sprouts, kale, white cabbage, cauliflower), snow peas, beans, broccoli, romanesco, pak choy and asparagus tend to form gas. Therefore, you have to blanch them for 2-5 minutes before vacuum sealing (i.e. scalding them briefly with hot water and then quickly cooling them in very cold water to keep the color). After blanching, drain the vegetables well and vacuum seal as usual.
Liquids such as soups, curries, chilli con carne, goulash and other liquid contents can be vacuumed easily and safely. To do this, first put the liquid vacuum sealant in a normal household freezer bag and knot it lightly. Then press something with your hand so that there is no longer any visible air cushion in the freezer bag. Then put this knotted freezer bag into the vacuum bag, with the slightly knotted end pointing towards the bottom of the vacuum bag. Now vacuum seal as usual. Elsewhere you often read about freezing liquids or contents deeply in the still open vacuum bag before vacuuming. This is not necessary with this method, but can be practical for larger quantities.
Put pressure-sensitive foods (such as berries) in the vacuum bag and freeze them briefly in the freezer. Then vacuum seal while frozen. Higher quality vacuum sealers often have a way of regulating the negative pressure. ( Also read our tips on buying vacuum sealers. )
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and frequently asked questions and answers about vacuum sealing
and as a bonus, the vacuum sealer technology check!
What should be considered when buying vacuum sealers
There are countless vacuum sealers in all price ranges - from discount to professional devices for the catering industry. This can easily lead to confusion. In order to support you in your purchase decision, we would like to provide you with a list of the things to consider when making a purchase. We concentrate on those film sealing devices for vacuuming in which the vacuum bags are applied “outside”, so-called “bar vacuum sealers”. We leave the larger, more complex and, of course, much more expensive “chamber vacuum sealers” aside for the time being.
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